Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Girl Wonder has "remonia"

Okay my lil love has had a fever on and off since last Thurs-got better over the weekend and then Mon. night I couldn't get it down past 102-so I took her in yesterday and sure enough Pnemonia-
This little mask is what she wears for her breathing treatments and she loves it-She said that we need to call her "Chicken Joe" from Surfs Up when she wears it.
But it was so sad when we got home from the Dr. last night-Her friends were outside and she wanted to see them-I told her she couldn't play and she needed to tell her friends she would see them another time. We got out of the car and she said, "I can't play you guys I have remonia."
The other is her new favorite toy-a sword of her brothers made out of PVC pipe. She takes it with her everywhere. (I think that she uses it to hit her brother when he is picking on her) But at night she perches it up in the corner so that it is "safe until morning." She loves this Piece of PVC pipe-she is my super girl!!
Thank you all for your calls and concerns while she has been sick-


Kaylene said...

I didn't know she was sick. I'm sorry. I will give you a call in the a.m. to see if there is anything I can help with. Also, give me a call if I can do anything. Get better Addy!

Carrie Godfrey said...

So sorry miss Addy! Get better quick!

Anonymous said...

The nice thing with this blog is, its very awsome when it comes to there topic.