Friday, January 30, 2009

New Years Resolution

Part of my "New Years Resolution," was to make lil love new curtains and pillows for her room. My mom bought her a new duvet cover for her birthday and she and I went and picked out material for curtains, and pillows-it was a ton of fun-the great part was I made the curtains, four pillows, and a cover for her nightstand all for $25- I was really excited and she loves her new room.
I am going scrapbooking tonight for the first time in a long time with Stacie and Amber-going to work on Valentines Day cards- I can't wait-
I think we are going to watch the superbowl at home-and other than that just doing stuff around the house this weekend!
I hope you all have a "Happy Friday!"

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Finally some pictures!!!

Okay Kaylene they are finally here-we took our annual Valentines pictures tonight and here is what my little love dressed TT up in. Griz pretty much likes her. When he wants to get away he just climbs to the top of the couch. She cannot get there "yet." My little love, loves to dress up her TT-she got a lot of cute things for her hair from Auntie for Christmas, and she got a gift card to Petsmart and she bought clothes for her. Tonight was interesting with two kids and two dogs taking pictures-it was a lot of fun actually-I had to bribe the kids with a Hershey's Bar so I can tell they are getting out of the excitement of taking picture days-They had a blast with the dogs-and pretty much forgot about the candy bars-
This weekend was a lot of fun-we went skiing both Fri and Sat- little man didn't have school on Fri-
My dad took the kids on Sat afternoon so that Ike and I could ski-He actually took them ice-fishing and my lil love caught the first and only fish!! She was excited.
My skiing day wasn't so good-we were skiing on the backside of Discovery and I was going to get on the chair and somehow my ski caught an edge just as the chair was picking me up-it ripped my legs back and my skis both came out from under me-Ike said I was lucky they came off or I would have been pulled under the chair and probably knocked out-needless to say that was the last run-my legs should have been stretched out a couple inches. We had a lot of fun skiing together, we don't get to do that often. I hope you all have a great week.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

yes I am still here. . .

I am so sorry-I have gotten calls that I am MIA-I have been gone on vacation and them really busy with work and end of the year stuff-
A lot has happened since I last posted-we added a new member to our family. We finally got TT-I will post pictures later. We went to Maui for Christmas for 9 days-and then I have been really busy completing a few scrapbooks-working-and taking care of the family.
I also cleaned out our horendous (sp?) hallway closet full of things that were cluttering it up and you could barley open the door-I should have taken before and after pictures-I am slowly working through the house cleaning out things. Little Man's room was a huge project. See he is just like my mom-(the both keep EVERYTHING!!!) I think pack rat is a genetic disorder that my son has inherited. Everything means SOMETHING to him-papers from school, projects from preschool, and old little trinket toys-let me tell you I went to town while he was at school last week. We have been busy at work with the new year-and the kids started swimming lessons two times a week, and oh yes-through skiing in there-and helping out at school. I am not trying to justify my absence-just say I am sorry and I promise I will get better! I hope you are all having a Happy New Year!! I will post pictures soon!