Friday, May 30, 2008

Why do my eyes keep watering?

Okay today was kindergarten graduation for my little man. I cannot believe it-it seems just like yesterday I was holding him in my arms-and today there he goes already a first grader! I cried the first day of school and today before I went I told myself I was going to hold it together-because my little man told me last night as I was putting him to bed that he promised that he would live with us forever-
he asked me if he HAD to get married and he said he would much rather live here forever, besides he said Dad just put in that new basketball hoop-I can never leave.
Well, needless to say I cried-Molly's slideshow put me to tears time and time again-Everyone always told me before I became a parent that it goes by way too fast-I love these times because it makes me realize that time does fly by and you really need to enjoy each moment!
The cards are pictures of a new set I have been working on. They are all felt-kind of like the ones in the new HOME and HEART issue-thanks Stephanie for the inspiration! It has been a lot of fun working on these!
I hope you are all having a good weekend!

Monday, May 26, 2008

I wear my sunglasses at. . .JoAnns????

Alright-Joanns was just a meeting point. Amber needed to give me something before I headed out of town. We were cruzing back to the card aisle and wham-there they were these glasses??? Remember them from when you were a child? This particular pair was just sitting on the shelf, and I just happened to have my camera packed in my purse for the weekend. We could not stop laughing-Amber I love ya.
We had a great weekend at the cabin-it rained most of Friday, but last night we were able to light a fire and have S'mores- My lil love rode her motorcyle for the first time-she went in the ditch a couple of times-but she had so much fun riding through the mud puddles!
I cannot believe tomorrow is already Tuesday!!!! Summer is hopefully almost here!
Have a great week!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Ike

Happy 33rd Birthday to my sweetie-Of all places to go in town for dinner he wanted to go to Paul's Pancake Parlor- His favorite-Topped it off with cake from Cold Stone-Mint Chocolate Chip-Yummy! The kids were really excited for Ike's birthday-couldn't wait for him to open his gifts and cards-I can't believe sis actually kept his present a secret for 3 weeks now-she actually almost gave it away a couple of times-but held it in! Last night we snuck in the office and Michelle (one of his assistants, my lil love and I ) decorated and cleaned his personal office-We hung pictures, shelves, signs ( from Carrie Godfrey ) and spruced it up- He was so surprised this morning!! I hope he had a great day.
My class that I was posting below is going to be taught at the Scrapbook Hideaway on June 10th. Call to make a reservation if you are interested. The class is going to be called, "Forget me Not."
I hope you are all having a good week!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Enough to Melt my Heart!

Tonight my little man ran in his first track meet. He ran the 400 yd dash-and took
3rd place and ran the 50 yd dash and took 2nd place. He was very proud of his ribbons. When we got home he just melted my heart; he said to us, even though I have arthritis I am still really fast. My husband and I both agreed, you are fast-and he said-I don't care that I have arthritis I am just happy to be alive. A lot to come from a 6 year old. Too much for his mom who has been a nervous wreck all day. He competes with kids from all over and dosen't know anybody, and what if he falls on the track, trips over a shoe-lace, comes in last, drops the baton??? Oh being a mother is something else. But you know what he did better than I and after his comment about being thankful that he's alive-so am I and thankful for the wonderful family-and group of friends I am surrounded by. Thank you little man for reminding me what's important.
I will be away from blogging for a few days-we are having a girls weekend scrapbook retreat!!! It is Ambers birthday and we are going to scrap for 3 days-can't wait-I will post pic. when I come back!! I hope you all have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Forget me Not Class !!

In June at the Scrapbook Hideaway, I will be teaching these projects as a class. You will create a clipboard-we are going to Modge Podge a clipboard and decorate it. I will provide you with this note pad that says; Things to do. A to do list for you to remember those, "Important things and People in your Life." Like picking you child up from school, sending your mother-in-law a birthday card. Which brings me to the second part of the class. We will decorate this lunch box that will house cards-We will also be making 5 cards. Beginners, and advanced scrapbookers (maybe you can teach me something) alike are encouraged to take this class. It is going to be in June and if you are interested call the Scapbook Hideaway to register. See their link on the right of my blog. Off to make Chocolate Chip Cookies for Sr. Friend Day at my little mans school!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Flowers Flowers Everywhere....

The headbands-are flowers from the Creative Cafe at the Scrapbook Hideaway-you can buy them individually which is nice-they are 30 cents or 40 cents each. I bought these headbands for $1 at claires-the burgandy and silver headband is for the Griz Games!! Really easy to make-infact I used heavy duty glue dots to put them on the headband!!
I bought my hanging baskets this week at Caras-I hope they make it-They are so beautiful-my wonderful husband brings them in every night and hangs them in the garage so that they don't freeze-We were going to plant the garden-but maybe in a week or two-still too cold!!
Remember that stamps changed TODAY so if you are mailing anything that requires a stamp the new rate is in effect today!!
Have a great day!!
I am going to be teaching a class at the Scrapbook Hideaway in June and so maybe tomorrow I will post pictures and all the details!!!
Now, Have a Great Day!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Aprons for the Bearnson Girls

Lisa B was going on TV today so last week she asked me if I would sew she and her girls a couple aprons-This is one of the girls-You can see them in their aprons on Lisas website at (see link at right of my blog) . They were on the Studio 5 news show for a Mom's in Utah show/they were cooking.
These aprons are really fun and easy to do! The fabric shown here is Michael Miller.
My little love is feeling better-no school yet-not till next week. Tomorrow is field day for my little man and he is so excited-he couldn't fall asleep!
For all you moms out there I hope you have a wonderful "Mother's Day," weekend!
I am going to spend it with my family-hopefully planting our garden!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Girl Wonder has "remonia"

Okay my lil love has had a fever on and off since last Thurs-got better over the weekend and then Mon. night I couldn't get it down past 102-so I took her in yesterday and sure enough Pnemonia-
This little mask is what she wears for her breathing treatments and she loves it-She said that we need to call her "Chicken Joe" from Surfs Up when she wears it.
But it was so sad when we got home from the Dr. last night-Her friends were outside and she wanted to see them-I told her she couldn't play and she needed to tell her friends she would see them another time. We got out of the car and she said, "I can't play you guys I have remonia."
The other is her new favorite toy-a sword of her brothers made out of PVC pipe. She takes it with her everywhere. (I think that she uses it to hit her brother when he is picking on her) But at night she perches it up in the corner so that it is "safe until morning." She loves this Piece of PVC pipe-she is my super girl!!
Thank you all for your calls and concerns while she has been sick-

Monday, May 5, 2008

ALMOST got scammed-a must read post

Okay, for all of you that know me, know that I love Yorkies-I want a female-my friend Julie also wants a female. While looking for the both of us I found a free ad, if you pay shipping. So, the bargain hunter that I am I e-mailed the contact and come to find out they are in Cameroon- (which is in Africa) The person claimed to have a boy and a girl. They wanted $330 for the cost of the two dogs and the airfare. This was a screaming deal-so the person and I e-mailed back and forth all day. Strange; they wanted the money forwarded asap so that they could make airplane arrangements.
So I called my friend Julie about our possible new "Teddy and Tina" yorkies from Africa. She called her sister in law who said-you need to google; Dog Scams-
So I did and SURE enough-big alerts-dog scams from Africa-people were never getting dogs after sending the money-
Good thing we listened to Julies sister in law-or I would be $330 short and still waiting for a dog who would never come.
I guess the saying is true; If its too good to be true it probably is.
I am too trusting of people!! WATCH OUT FOR THIS SCAM AND DON'T EVER BUY A PUPPY THIS WAY!!!(the person had pic. and eveything that they probably downloaded from the internet)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I think he's part cat !!

Okay, I really think our lil yorkie is part cat. This morning while making beds (he always sits in the middle of the beds while I am making them) he was looking out the window following a robin-left right where ever that robin went his eyes went. He also loves to climb on the back of couches and can jump very high-I swear this lil love is part cat?????
Okay-I am sorry I haven't posted for awhile-been busy-making aprons, Teacher Appreciation Week stuff (which is this week) and just have been feeling sad about the passing of Tracy Corneil. Her service was nice-sad-but nice.
The Love picture is vinyl that my friend Carrie Godfrey did- I took the vinyl and put it on glass and framed it with a picture frame-She does amazing work. I like the look with the color of the wall behind it-a very easy decorating thing to do-I bought the frame at Big Lots for $15- Carrie can do just about anything!!!
The other is a tag that we are doing for our tag exchange-I did birthday!!
Today is National Scrapbooking Day!!! I may work on a Mothers Day Project for my mother in law tonight-if my little love falls asleep-the boys are at the cabin this weekend working on the garage and so she gets to sleep with mom!!!-and of course our wanna be "cat"-
We are off to run some errands-Target-the nursery for some dirt, and maybe Costco (we will see how brave I am????)