Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lisa's Blog

Lisa's Blog
Here are a couple samples from the Kit of the Month!!!
Go Griz-only two more days until the National Championship-
Okay I seriously had another one of my mornings again. We usually wake up at 6:30 to leave at 7:30-at 7:11 my lil love says mommy-that sound is driving me crazy! It is my little love talking about the alarm that went off at 6:20 and was still going off!!
After I wake lil man up and get everyone going-I go into the bathroom(I showered the night before and I put these new little hot rollers in my hair) well I took them out and oh my it looks like I had a standard poodle sitting on my head-my kids were laughing so hard-lil man said, "mom you aren't going to my Christmas Concert like that tonight are you?" (I think I will do this to him again when he is 16-and really show up like that)-
So needless to say we made it out the door(without my cell phone and baby Jesus-for the Christmas play) but that is alright I have all the kids, mine and the Hollenback kids(who are now laughing at my hair too) The traffic was horrible and we were late to school and to work by about 15 minutes(I think my boss is going to fire me-if this keeps happening.) I can't believe how tired I have been-I think it was due to the lack of sleep and 15 dozen cookies I made the night before!!! I hope you all have a great night!


Kaylene said...

I've gotta see this poodle your sporting on your head! I hope you got my email about changing the girls night out to after Christmas.

Gina brown said...

carrie I'm kinda worried about you I haven't seen or heard from you for awhile. Hope things are going well. Great job on your kit of the month. Happy New Year

mikeandstacey said...

Ok girl ~ I am starting to worry about you as well. Where have you been??? It's been almost a month since your last post.
Miss ya!