Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Birds and the Bees. . .well kinda

No pictures today, just had to share with ya a funny story. Okay I totally wasn't ready for the big talk about babies, and the place where it happened well I guess I should have seen it coming. We brought TT our newest family member in for her last puppy shots. I told the front office lady that I wanted to have her spayed - so I guess Lil Man heard me because when we got into the room he asked, mom what does spayed mean? Alright, well taking her parts out so that she couldn't have babies wasn't good enough. He kept asking well can she still have puppies and how do they grow, and well for the love of Pete. . . so we got out the book in the vet clinic (luckily they had a dog anatomy one there) talked about all the parts and how the babies grow- and well the list goes on. Where was Ike when I really needed him. So needless to say TT is having a hysterectomy next Wed. Spayed I think the girl needs a little more credit than that, she is having it all taken out! So parents be warned-it can happen anytime, probably when you least expect it! I hope you are having a great week!


Kaylene said...

I thought you were going to breed she and Griz so I could give one of the puppies a home. :( It was fun today, we need to do it more often.

Marci said...

Funny! You never know when you are going to have to give one of those talks! It sounds like you did a good job though! We have dogs too - which really has helped with the bird and the bees. Thank goodness!

Angela said...

Too funny, we've had the same kind of week.