This weekend was a ton of fun. Lil man didn't have school on Friday so we headed up to the cabin in Thurs night. Friday our friends the Becks came up and spent the night. It was a ton of fun. We went sledding both Fri and Sat. The kids had a ton of fun, especially because Jeremy and Ike would take turns hauling the kids up the hill on the snow machine. They had a blast and I think all the adults did too. We made homeade french fries on Friday night!!!
Saturday night we went into Anaconda to have dinner at Nana and Papa's house. We then ended up watching Bull Riding. My lil love is in love with Bull Riding. She thought it was so fun to watch!!! Today we were able to see my brother and sister in law along with my nephews from Great Falls. My Brother came down to pick up Ike's truck that I had a lil fender bender with and took it back to fix it!! ( Which means Ike is driving ol Blue again (thanks Amber and Jared) It was so nice to see them. Night was finished off with a work out at the Peak!! I hope you have a great week! I cannot believe it is the last week in Feb.!
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