Busy as a Bee-
It has been soooo crazy-finishing up stuff for camp which is this weekend! I am so excited we have 40 campers and 25 counselors-It is called "Camp Limberlimbs," a camp for kids with Juvenille Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and other auto-immune disorders-It is so much fun-I have become the director somehow??? We are all going to a Griz game on Saturday-which should be a ton of fun for the kids. I will post pictures on Sunday. I have been finishing up my kits, and doing spelling test reviews (wow, I cannot believe my little man is old enough for that.) My husband asked each one of them on the way into dinner, what the best part of their day was, little man said, "my spelling test." Lil love said, "show and share." She was able to bring her stuffed dog, because I wouldn't let her bring Griz to school. She did put Griz's leash and collar on him though-
This felt has been looking at me for months, so due to the fact I have not done anything but kits and camp stuff-I wanted to sew this lil bag tonight-It is creative cafe felt and is a cute bag for a little love! I wonder how long until mine spots this one.
I promise I will get better next week at posting again-just too many things going on-
and I don't think my walking partner Stacie is going to let me out of our nightly walks/runs to blog-I will sneak in after though! Hope you are all doing well!
oooooh I would love to buy one of those for my niece's daughter for Christmas, are you taking orders? I don't know how you do it all, your amazing!
Great to see you back! Of course darling bag.
Busy as a bee??? Busy as a crazy woman with her head cut off is more like it. You are so funny!! How do you do it...ALL? You should write a book, I'd buy it.
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