The Halloween photo is of a few of my favorite decorations-I love the Fall and could not wait to put my Halloween/Fall stuff up-I am a little obsessed-We have been thumbing through the Halloween costumes and trying to decide what we are going to be this year-my lil love wants to be Wall-E-and my lil man wants to be a cowboy-well that was yesterday-he will change his mind several times-that's why we really "wait " on the costume for him. Now our little girl-different story-Wall-E it will be-she figures it out and sticks with it-
The album is the album track class I took at CKU this summer-I made a 10 year anniversary book for Ike and I. It was so much fun to look at the pictures and how we have changed-especially our hair-Sorry-the pictures aren't that great-
Big Griz game this weekend and Homecoming-I was going to run in the Homecoming Hustle run-but when I found out it was with the parade-I opted out-considering my yorkie is my pace dog-there is NOOOOO way I am keeping up with the parade-I hope you are all having a great week-enjoy life it goes by way to fast!
Hey girl! Thought I'd say hi! I have a few fall decorations out too, so its all good! Glad all is well! I'm so happy for your creative cafe bag, how awesome is that! Good Luck! You deserve it!
I love how your album turned out!! I still haven't finished mine, of course. I'll just have to copy YOUR great ideas! ;) And cute decorations too.
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