I know. . . I have been really bad about posting latley. I like the rest of you just have tooooo much going on. So here it is in a nutshell.
Friday we had the Jog a Thon at my little mans school-it is a large fund raiser that helps the school with funding. This year they raised more than $60,000. They get pledges per mile or a flat pledge and then run as many laps around the high school track. They have 90 minutes to complete their laps. Little man broke his record-he ran 29 laps this year. His goal was 30 laps-So his little legs ran 7 and a quarter miles!!!! He has been quite tired all weekend and rightfully so. Ike ran along with him and lil love and I did a whopping 4 laps-at oranges, drank the water, visited at every turn and had a great time.
Sat was the Griz football game-got to see my good friend Stacey Bauer from Butte-it was so great to see you Stacey-It was a close game-but a lot of fun-the kids like going down on the field after the game to bring their favorite players twinkies and play on the field.
Nana and Papa came over this weekend and just the girls went shopping today-we got our little pumpkins from Benson's Farm and had a great time. Then we were off to Y Soccer-Holy Cow-tomorrow am is going to come early and I think I should catch some ZZZZZZ! Have a great week!