Lisa's Blog
Here are a couple samples from the Kit of the Month!!!
Go Griz-only two more days until the National Championship-
Okay I seriously had another one of my mornings again. We usually wake up at 6:30 to leave at 7:30-at 7:11 my lil love says mommy-that sound is driving me crazy! It is my little love talking about the alarm that went off at 6:20 and was still going off!!
After I wake lil man up and get everyone going-I go into the bathroom(I showered the night before and I put these new little hot rollers in my hair) well I took them out and oh my it looks like I had a standard poodle sitting on my head-my kids were laughing so hard-lil man said, "mom you aren't going to my Christmas Concert like that tonight are you?" (I think I will do this to him again when he is 16-and really show up like that)-
So needless to say we made it out the door(without my cell phone and baby Jesus-for the Christmas play) but that is alright I have all the kids, mine and the Hollenback kids(who are now laughing at my hair too) The traffic was horrible and we were late to school and to work by about 15 minutes(I think my boss is going to fire me-if this keeps happening.) I can't believe how tired I have been-I think it was due to the lack of sleep and 15 dozen cookies I made the night before!!! I hope you all have a great night!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Montana Grizzlies | Griz Football, Grizzly Basketball, Griz Forum and Pictures
Montana Grizzlies | Griz Football, Grizzly Basketball, Griz Forum and Pictures
Now it is onto the SPIDERS!!!! Go Griz all the way!!! The game starts at 6:00 sharp on Friday night! Cheer on our Griz to a National Championship!!
Really cold here today-in the minus degrees and the wind is so cold. I am off to a cookie exchange at my friend Molly's house and then to do payroll at our office for the remaining of 2008-I cannot believe it is over!! Then my lil love has a birthday party to go to tonight! Busy day ahead!!! Hope you have a wonderful week and are enjoying the holiday season!
Now it is onto the SPIDERS!!!! Go Griz all the way!!! The game starts at 6:00 sharp on Friday night! Cheer on our Griz to a National Championship!!
Really cold here today-in the minus degrees and the wind is so cold. I am off to a cookie exchange at my friend Molly's house and then to do payroll at our office for the remaining of 2008-I cannot believe it is over!! Then my lil love has a birthday party to go to tonight! Busy day ahead!!! Hope you have a wonderful week and are enjoying the holiday season!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Kit of the Month - Creating Keepsakes
Kit of the Month - Creating Keepsakes
It is finally here! The kit that I designed for CK Media-Check it out-it is so cute-I love the paper that came with it too!
Oh yeah-if you haven't heard-the griz play tomorrow night against James Madison -at 6:00 sharp!! Go Griz-
Have a great weekend-I am working on stuff for the big b-day party tomorrow and for cookie exchanges!!!
It is finally here! The kit that I designed for CK Media-Check it out-it is so cute-I love the paper that came with it too!
Oh yeah-if you haven't heard-the griz play tomorrow night against James Madison -at 6:00 sharp!! Go Griz-
Have a great weekend-I am working on stuff for the big b-day party tomorrow and for cookie exchanges!!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Hello world meet TT
It has been so busy-I am sorry I haven't posted-thank you for those of you who still read my blog and there is nothing there!!!
The pictures are of my lil love and Griz walking today-she loves him so much! For her bday we surprised her and let her pick out a new puppy, she chose a girl (of course to even out the score in our house) and she named her TT. She will be ready the first part of January. She and Griz have such a great time, and she really takes good care of him. He usually runs all around the neighborhood-so I wonder what was going through his little mind while she was walking him around in circles in the cul-da-sac (sp?) I have also posted a picture of TT. She is 4 wks old and 1.7 lbs.
Lil man got the experience of a lifetime when the man who sits next to us at the Griz Games had passes on the field. He asked the kids if they would want to go-lil love said she will go when she is six-I think she thought that she had to run out of the tunnel with the team (gosh I would be scared too, I think I would get trampled!!)
So the boys went down and got to watch everyone coming through the tunnel-his four favorite senior players came over and gave him a high five and a hug-Rob, Colt, Colin and Andrew!! The Griz are down to the Final Four and they play the James Madison Dukes on Friday night at 6:00-I was watching them on the internet and they look tough-But I have complete faith in our team and know we can do it!!! GO GRIZ!!!
The last picture is of our Christmas Tree upstairs-real downstairs and artificial upstairs-!!!
Today I spent most of the day baking and making carmel corn (yummy!!!)
I hope you are all having a good holiday and remember to tune into ESPN 2 for the GRIZ / DUKES game Friday night!
The pictures are of my lil love and Griz walking today-she loves him so much! For her bday we surprised her and let her pick out a new puppy, she chose a girl (of course to even out the score in our house) and she named her TT. She will be ready the first part of January. She and Griz have such a great time, and she really takes good care of him. He usually runs all around the neighborhood-so I wonder what was going through his little mind while she was walking him around in circles in the cul-da-sac (sp?) I have also posted a picture of TT. She is 4 wks old and 1.7 lbs.
Lil man got the experience of a lifetime when the man who sits next to us at the Griz Games had passes on the field. He asked the kids if they would want to go-lil love said she will go when she is six-I think she thought that she had to run out of the tunnel with the team (gosh I would be scared too, I think I would get trampled!!)
So the boys went down and got to watch everyone coming through the tunnel-his four favorite senior players came over and gave him a high five and a hug-Rob, Colt, Colin and Andrew!! The Griz are down to the Final Four and they play the James Madison Dukes on Friday night at 6:00-I was watching them on the internet and they look tough-But I have complete faith in our team and know we can do it!!! GO GRIZ!!!
The last picture is of our Christmas Tree upstairs-real downstairs and artificial upstairs-!!!
Today I spent most of the day baking and making carmel corn (yummy!!!)
I hope you are all having a good holiday and remember to tune into ESPN 2 for the GRIZ / DUKES game Friday night!
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Great Weekend
We had such a great weekend-One of my favorite this year! The Carrie Underwood Concert was amazing. We didn't realize how good our seats were until we got there. They were right next to the stage-in reaching distance-It was so fun-especially when she sang-"Paradise City."
Last Thurs we had our annual griz dinner and the kids had a blast-they had never met Tyler Corwin or Chase Reynolds before and so they were way excited-my friend Krista tied up a bunch of Griz blankets and we gave them to them. We had steaks and twice baked potatoes and they were yummy-
The griz game on Saturday was awesome! I went and got our playoff tickets today-My little love stood in line with me for an hour and a half to get our tickets!!! I cannot wait until Sat-but there is a lot of shopping to do before then!!
Sunday was Church-then the kids went to a family friends house to play and Ike and I went on a date to Breakfast at Pauls! That evening we went to see Santa and Laurie Lanes Studio-She takes pictures of the kids with Santa-and 5 x 7's are only $10-When we left there my little man said-thanks for bringing us there mom-!! It was much better than the mall!
I have been making little recipe christmas treat books-This paper is using the PAPER-TREY ink line of paper and I love it! I hope you all have a great week and a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Busy Bag Lady. . .
I go through these "spurts"-sewing, then card-making, then scrapbooking-I probably should add house cleaning in there somewhere-but why it's over-rated anyway right???
These are a few of the bags I have been sewing latley-
Griz have their last big regular season home game against the cats this weekend! It should be a ton of fun! My husband and I are going on a date Friday night-we are going to go to Red Robin for dinner and then the Carrie Underwood Concert after that-It should be a fun weekend! Can't wait-and it is only Monday!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Tis the Season. . .
If I didn't drive my family and friends crazy I would start Christmas stuff in June-well maybe I do start some stuff in June and it gets stuck in the Monica Closet-but I just started bringing it all out and getting ready for the big day-December 25th!
I love Christmas and everything about it. Our kids are at such a fun age-both still love Santa and can hardly wait-though we have to get through both of their birthday's before Christmas-they are really excited for the season.
These are just a few projects I have been working on. The little stand is a photo tree that I found at Pier One on Sale for $10-I made a bunch of simple Christmas cards and ran ribbon all the way up the stand. Someone could send these cards and then display the ones they get on the cute little red clips.
Holiday Treats are cookbooks that I have made.
It was so cute, last night Ike and I were sitting in the kitchen and our little love says while looking over her chocolate milk carton," I figured it out - the chocolate milk comes from the brown cows!!!!" How could you argue with that! The lightbulbs were a flashing and we couldn't rain on her parade.
My hunter men didn't get anything this weekend-bummer-they gave it a good try and will try again this weekend!
I hope you are all enjoying the end of the Fall-Winter is soon approaching in these parts anyhow! Have a super week!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Does anyone need a good dentist????
Ike threatened me with my life with this picture but I just could not resist-It was so fuuny-when he had his Billy Bob Teeth in and goofy glasses-He looks like a great dentist right? Especially for kids- Actually he just won an award a while back for the Missoula Independent's Dentist of the Year for Missoula-so we are all really proud of him and our great staff!
We have been so busy with Halloween Parties and Football Games-I am sorry I haven't been very good at blogging!!! I hope you are all having a great week!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Fun Halloween Idea

We are going to do these Friday for my little man's Halloween Party-instead of glue you use pins -stick pins and push pins to hold the felt in!! I have tried glue before on Pumpkins and it really dosen't stay very long!
Last night we carved our pumpkins I will show you a little later! Have a great day!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Corneil Family Benefit
Tragically in April Tracy Corneil died at her home. She left behind her husband Dave and two boys Conner and Riley. She was part owner of the Scrapbook Hideaway in Missoula. This weekend we had a fund raiser for her at the Target Range School. Lisa Bearnson and Stacy Julian volunteered their time and efforts to come and teach a couple of scrapbook classes to help raise money. What a great event for a great cause. I had a lot of fun with Lisa and my friends and laughed a lot! We hiked the M hill today with Gina and it was a beautiful day to be out!
Ike took the kids to the cabin and lil love stayed with Nana while the boys went hunting this morning! Thanks to everyone for a great weekend!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Moms 60th Birthday Surprise
On Friday we had a surprise Birthday Party for my mom-she was so surprised-She infact told one of her best friends,"I know my kids are going to forget my birthday this year!" Well we got her! In the picture is my entire side of the family-brothers (2) and Sister -and all the grandkids-The other picture is of just siblings and their spouses-It was a lot of fun to get everyone together-Then Sat was soccer and the Griz Game-and Sunday was the last day of soccer.
The other pictures are a couple of my favorite things-I love FALL-This is a picture I took this morning when I was driving down Higgins Street - It is so beautiful-the colors are amazing. The other is a picture of one of my rod iron baskets I got in Spokane last weekend at Mel's Nursery! They will be so fun to fill with all kinds of good things for the holidays-The little pumpkins are from Benson's Farm!!
I hope you are having a great week!
Lisa Bearnson comes this weekend for Tracy Corneils benefit and I am so excited to see her!!! If you haven't signed up yet-please do so it is for a good cause!!!-All the money raised will go to Dave and his two boys!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Okay I know that there is no picture on the screen but click on the red x and it will open the site for you to go to the web-page and then go to Girls Volleyball Raise Funds-good luck!
Kelcee is a Movie Star
Recently my niece was featured on the local news in Albuquerque New Mexico for her role in helping raise money for breast cancer in conjunction with her volleyball team. She is a senior at Del Norte High School where she is a great volleyball and basketball player-and not to mention first and foremost a top notch student! Way to go KELCEE-We love you!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
50 random things about me. . .
Marci did this on her blog and it was fun to read-I don't like talking about myself-but I will try to pull up some interesting info-that maybe some of you didn't know-
Except Amber who of course probably knows it all from a project we did a couple years back 'Betcha didn't know"-and we discussed for an hour-things about us-
So anyhow here it goes, and I am taging a few people to do it too; Kaylene, Carrie G, Kelley, Stacey B, Angela, Michelle, and anyone else who wants to do it!!!!
1. I am a list maker-every day there is a list of things to do for the day
2. I met my husband at a basketball camp in highschool
3. I have a bad cold right now (I am actually up because I can't sleep)
4. I am most productive at night
5. I love dogs
6. I am not good about waiting for things
7. I love my inlaws-my entire side of Ike's family infact
8. I have had braces two times and would have them again if Ike would let me
9. I worry about my kids all the time
10. I can't wait for the election to be over with
11. I love to watch football
12. I would love to still be playing basketball ( I think I would need CPR after a couple times down the court right now)
13. I don't watch much TV but I love CSI Miami (yeah Krista)
14. I lay my kids clothes out every night and my clothes out everynight for the next day.
15. I don't like milk
16. Shoes are a problem for me
17. I hate wasting time (kind of like this-but it is my only option right now)
18. I like to take pictures
19. I am a freak about seat belts and booster seats (lil man is still in one)
20. I hate drunk drivers
21. I love Coach purses
22. I snore and grind my teeth at night
23. I used to love Micheal Jordan
24. I love antiques
25. My first car was a red Honda CRX
26. Holy Crap this is a lot of things to do
27. I don't really understand Facebook
28. I like to be organized
29. I value good friendships
30. I like to listen to my IPOD
31. I want to be a good skiier like Ike
32. I love to spend time with my family
33. I like okay love the Nachos at Ciao Mambo
34. My favorite scrapbooking supply are glue dots and buttons
35. I like to be on time
36. I used to be a teacher
37. I like helping at my kids schools
38. I am Catholic
39. I was one of 4 kids
40. I am scared of death for one of my loved ones and myself
41. I like to help people out
42. I like to give presents
43. Lisa Bearnson is coming to my house next weekend and it needs to be cleaned!!!!
44. I want to visit my family in Albuquerque
45. I can't wait for us to go to Hawaii at Christmas
46. I like all kinds of music
47. I want to be done with Christmas Shopping by Thanksgiving
48. I love to make cards and scrapbook and sew and make jewlery-I need more time!!
49. I have one grandparent left!
50. I hope I wake up without this cold tomorrow-
Sorry to put you all through this!!
Except Amber who of course probably knows it all from a project we did a couple years back 'Betcha didn't know"-and we discussed for an hour-things about us-
So anyhow here it goes, and I am taging a few people to do it too; Kaylene, Carrie G, Kelley, Stacey B, Angela, Michelle, and anyone else who wants to do it!!!!
1. I am a list maker-every day there is a list of things to do for the day
2. I met my husband at a basketball camp in highschool
3. I have a bad cold right now (I am actually up because I can't sleep)
4. I am most productive at night
5. I love dogs
6. I am not good about waiting for things
7. I love my inlaws-my entire side of Ike's family infact
8. I have had braces two times and would have them again if Ike would let me
9. I worry about my kids all the time
10. I can't wait for the election to be over with
11. I love to watch football
12. I would love to still be playing basketball ( I think I would need CPR after a couple times down the court right now)
13. I don't watch much TV but I love CSI Miami (yeah Krista)
14. I lay my kids clothes out every night and my clothes out everynight for the next day.
15. I don't like milk
16. Shoes are a problem for me
17. I hate wasting time (kind of like this-but it is my only option right now)
18. I like to take pictures
19. I am a freak about seat belts and booster seats (lil man is still in one)
20. I hate drunk drivers
21. I love Coach purses
22. I snore and grind my teeth at night
23. I used to love Micheal Jordan
24. I love antiques
25. My first car was a red Honda CRX
26. Holy Crap this is a lot of things to do
27. I don't really understand Facebook
28. I like to be organized
29. I value good friendships
30. I like to listen to my IPOD
31. I want to be a good skiier like Ike
32. I love to spend time with my family
33. I like okay love the Nachos at Ciao Mambo
34. My favorite scrapbooking supply are glue dots and buttons
35. I like to be on time
36. I used to be a teacher
37. I like helping at my kids schools
38. I am Catholic
39. I was one of 4 kids
40. I am scared of death for one of my loved ones and myself
41. I like to help people out
42. I like to give presents
43. Lisa Bearnson is coming to my house next weekend and it needs to be cleaned!!!!
44. I want to visit my family in Albuquerque
45. I can't wait for us to go to Hawaii at Christmas
46. I like all kinds of music
47. I want to be done with Christmas Shopping by Thanksgiving
48. I love to make cards and scrapbook and sew and make jewlery-I need more time!!
49. I have one grandparent left!
50. I hope I wake up without this cold tomorrow-
Sorry to put you all through this!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Things to Do Project. . .
Well my friend Molly gave me the cutest little Creative Cafe Binder awhile back and last night I created this-Things to do Book, and with the scraps I made a couple cards. The paper is from Scenic Route Paper Co. and I love it-It has a lot of the fall colors in it-and these are some of my favorite colors. I love Fall-my favorite thing this year has been of course the pumpkins from Bensons and our apple tree in our back yard has huge delicious apples. Anybody out there with a good apple crisp recipe? If you do I would love it!!! Please e-mail me at We are all getting excited about our trip to Spokane-the guys are even excited-I think mostly because of Cabelas, and the football game-but it should be a great time.
I am excited to eat at Chilis, and go to the football game, and shopping of course!
I hope you are all having a great week.
Monday, October 6, 2008
So Lucky...
I had a great birthday thanks to all my friends and family. The best part is that it isn't over yet. This weekend we are going to Spokane to celebrate, and go to the Griz Game.
My lil love made me a birthday cake. I am sure that my immune system is going to be strong. She informed me that she wrote with her fingers (after being at preschool)-Happy Birthday Mom along the entire side of the cake (I am sure there was a little licking going on in-between each letter). She was so cute-when we woke up the morning after my birthday she said, hey mom you don't look any different now that you are 34!!!
Friday night was fun scrapbooking with my friends-I almost owned the place-I broke the acu-cut machine and a huge frame of Gina's all in about 10 minutes-I had to sit down and eat a couple pumpkin bars-before I broke anything else. (by the way Amber those pumpkin bars were awesome). We had a ton of fun eating out before hand and trying on shoes in the buckle!!!!!
The rest of the weekend was filled with Soccer and dinner at Hu Hot!!! The boys didn't get anything hunting but they had a great time!!! Lil man walked a long way and is getting to be quite the hunter!
I hope you all have a great week-and thanks to all my family and friends who made my day special!!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Just one of those days.. . .
Okay seriously I have had a rough 24 hours-it started Wed at work when Michelle(one of our assistants) and I were thumbing through the computer looking at office birthday's and realized that we FORGOT our office manager Shannons birthday the day before-ok how do you do that-I thought her birthday was after mine-Michelle and I both thought it was the 13th of October-so I have felt horrible-
Then this morning at 7:25 I rolled over and freaked out!!!! We usually leave the house at 7:30 to go and pick up our car-pool kids-holy cow talk about an adrenaline rush-I woke up the kids-(who did not get breakfast this morning-I felt horrible) then I got in the shower-dressed, combed my hair- wait a minute-I called my friend Julie the other end of the carpool and panicked-she picked my lil man up-and my little love and I hurried and got ready-wow-out the door in 15 minutes-I had a patient at 8:00-took lil love to the office with me and Margaret came and picked her up and took her to preschool-I have NEVER slept through my alarm clock or slept in like that-not in highschool, college, hygiene school EVER!! It started my day off rough-
Then I had the patient from _ _ _ _ at 8:00-by the way I was on time and smiling!! He was very rude to me and by 8:30 I was crying-then my husband asked him about all the stuff he said to me and he LIED about it-Okay seriously some people need attitude adjustments and this man was one of them-but my day did get better-lil love made me a birthday cake with those never "blow them out trick candles" and we laughed a lot!!!!! Oh yeah and we went to the mall tonight! The boys are hunting-lil man gets to miss school tomorrow because he got a 100% on his spelling test on Wed-
Going with my friends to the SH tomorrow night-I will post pic! Hope you are all having a great week!
Then this morning at 7:25 I rolled over and freaked out!!!! We usually leave the house at 7:30 to go and pick up our car-pool kids-holy cow talk about an adrenaline rush-I woke up the kids-(who did not get breakfast this morning-I felt horrible) then I got in the shower-dressed, combed my hair- wait a minute-I called my friend Julie the other end of the carpool and panicked-she picked my lil man up-and my little love and I hurried and got ready-wow-out the door in 15 minutes-I had a patient at 8:00-took lil love to the office with me and Margaret came and picked her up and took her to preschool-I have NEVER slept through my alarm clock or slept in like that-not in highschool, college, hygiene school EVER!! It started my day off rough-
Then I had the patient from _ _ _ _ at 8:00-by the way I was on time and smiling!! He was very rude to me and by 8:30 I was crying-then my husband asked him about all the stuff he said to me and he LIED about it-Okay seriously some people need attitude adjustments and this man was one of them-but my day did get better-lil love made me a birthday cake with those never "blow them out trick candles" and we laughed a lot!!!!! Oh yeah and we went to the mall tonight! The boys are hunting-lil man gets to miss school tomorrow because he got a 100% on his spelling test on Wed-
Going with my friends to the SH tomorrow night-I will post pic! Hope you are all having a great week!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Oh where oh where have I been. . .
I know. . . I have been really bad about posting latley. I like the rest of you just have tooooo much going on. So here it is in a nutshell.
Friday we had the Jog a Thon at my little mans school-it is a large fund raiser that helps the school with funding. This year they raised more than $60,000. They get pledges per mile or a flat pledge and then run as many laps around the high school track. They have 90 minutes to complete their laps. Little man broke his record-he ran 29 laps this year. His goal was 30 laps-So his little legs ran 7 and a quarter miles!!!! He has been quite tired all weekend and rightfully so. Ike ran along with him and lil love and I did a whopping 4 laps-at oranges, drank the water, visited at every turn and had a great time.
Sat was the Griz football game-got to see my good friend Stacey Bauer from Butte-it was so great to see you Stacey-It was a close game-but a lot of fun-the kids like going down on the field after the game to bring their favorite players twinkies and play on the field.
Nana and Papa came over this weekend and just the girls went shopping today-we got our little pumpkins from Benson's Farm and had a great time. Then we were off to Y Soccer-Holy Cow-tomorrow am is going to come early and I think I should catch some ZZZZZZ! Have a great week!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Book from CKU
The Halloween photo is of a few of my favorite decorations-I love the Fall and could not wait to put my Halloween/Fall stuff up-I am a little obsessed-We have been thumbing through the Halloween costumes and trying to decide what we are going to be this year-my lil love wants to be Wall-E-and my lil man wants to be a cowboy-well that was yesterday-he will change his mind several times-that's why we really "wait " on the costume for him. Now our little girl-different story-Wall-E it will be-she figures it out and sticks with it-
The album is the album track class I took at CKU this summer-I made a 10 year anniversary book for Ike and I. It was so much fun to look at the pictures and how we have changed-especially our hair-Sorry-the pictures aren't that great-
Big Griz game this weekend and Homecoming-I was going to run in the Homecoming Hustle run-but when I found out it was with the parade-I opted out-considering my yorkie is my pace dog-there is NOOOOO way I am keeping up with the parade-I hope you are all having a great week-enjoy life it goes by way to fast!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Camp Limberlimbs
Ok-I feel much better now that camp is all over-all 54 campers and counselors made it home from the Griz Game and I feel much better-We had a lot of fun-Friday night the U of M dance team came and the campers really liked that-they stayed for almost 1.5 hours-then Sat was the Griz game and Sat night we had a costume contest-Sun-Life Flight came in to show the kids the helicopter (nobody was sick)-and the kids really liked that and then we had our Olympic races and then Monte came. My little man was tired and still is-he stayed up Sat night for the ultimate ping pong championship until 1:00 am-(the older campers begged me to let him stay with them)
I missed my lil love and my husband and I was glad it was all done for another year-we had a ton of fun!!!!
I am sorry I didn't post until now I am having computer issues and I still can't get the Internet in my office to work-
Just got news that the little bag I made below using Creative Cafe Products is going to be used on their web-site-I am really excited!!!!!!
I hope you are all having a great week-and enjoy the nice weather-it has been in the 80's here!
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