Tragically in April Tracy Corneil died at her home. She left behind her husband Dave and two boys Conner and Riley. She was part owner of the Scrapbook Hideaway in Missoula. This weekend we had a fund raiser for her at the Target Range School. Lisa Bearnson and Stacy Julian volunteered their time and efforts to come and teach a couple of scrapbook classes to help raise money. What a great event for a great cause. I had a lot of fun with Lisa and my friends and laughed a lot! We hiked the M hill today with Gina and it was a beautiful day to be out!
Ike took the kids to the cabin and lil love stayed with Nana while the boys went hunting this morning! Thanks to everyone for a great weekend!
It looks like you guys had a great time. I wish I could've been there!
So regarding my blog ~ I am NO mastermind, mind you. I just go into customize and edit where your blog title would be and it asks you if you would like a picture or image, is that what you like? The pic behind my title? Because I can't figure out any of that cutsey stuff (background things) but I can atleast do the pic thing. Let me know if you need other info...
I hope it was a huge success! It sounds like a great weekend! (tell Amber "hi" and tell her she needs to get a blog so we can keep in touch!!)
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