Marci did this on her blog and it was fun to read-I don't like talking about myself-but I will try to pull up some interesting info-that maybe some of you didn't know-
Except Amber who of course probably knows it all from a project we did a couple years back 'Betcha didn't know"-and we discussed for an hour-things about us-
So anyhow here it goes, and I am taging a few people to do it too; Kaylene, Carrie G, Kelley, Stacey B, Angela, Michelle, and anyone else who wants to do it!!!!
1. I am a list maker-every day there is a list of things to do for the day
2. I met my husband at a basketball camp in highschool
3. I have a bad cold right now (I am actually up because I can't sleep)
4. I am most productive at night
5. I love dogs
6. I am not good about waiting for things
7. I love my inlaws-my entire side of Ike's family infact
8. I have had braces two times and would have them again if Ike would let me
9. I worry about my kids all the time
10. I can't wait for the election to be over with
11. I love to watch football
12. I would love to still be playing basketball ( I think I would need CPR after a couple times down the court right now)
13. I don't watch much TV but I love CSI Miami (yeah Krista)
14. I lay my kids clothes out every night and my clothes out everynight for the next day.
15. I don't like milk
16. Shoes are a problem for me
17. I hate wasting time (kind of like this-but it is my only option right now)
18. I like to take pictures
19. I am a freak about seat belts and booster seats (lil man is still in one)
20. I hate drunk drivers
21. I love Coach purses
22. I snore and grind my teeth at night
23. I used to love Micheal Jordan
24. I love antiques
25. My first car was a red Honda CRX
26. Holy Crap this is a lot of things to do
27. I don't really understand Facebook
28. I like to be organized
29. I value good friendships
30. I like to listen to my IPOD
31. I want to be a good skiier like Ike
32. I love to spend time with my family
33. I like okay love the Nachos at Ciao Mambo
34. My favorite scrapbooking supply are glue dots and buttons
35. I like to be on time
36. I used to be a teacher
37. I like helping at my kids schools
38. I am Catholic
39. I was one of 4 kids
40. I am scared of death for one of my loved ones and myself
41. I like to help people out
42. I like to give presents
43. Lisa Bearnson is coming to my house next weekend and it needs to be cleaned!!!!
44. I want to visit my family in Albuquerque
45. I can't wait for us to go to Hawaii at Christmas
46. I like all kinds of music
47. I want to be done with Christmas Shopping by Thanksgiving
48. I love to make cards and scrapbook and sew and make jewlery-I need more time!!
49. I have one grandparent left!
50. I hope I wake up without this cold tomorrow-
Sorry to put you all through this!!